Brake Fluid Should be Clear
Fresh engine oil is amber in color and turns black when it is dirty. Dirty brake fluid, on the other hand, looks just like clean engine oil. Why replace something that looks clean? How would brake fluid get dirty anyway? Doesn’t it just sit there and only move around a tiny bit when you step on the brakes? Why replace it at all? Is it important?
The fact is, no other fluid is more critical to your safety! (How would you stop without it?)
What many people don’t realize is that brake fluid is “hydroscopic.” This means it absorbs and retains water from the atmosphere. This moisture works its way through the hydraulic system and causes corrosion and deterioration of different components, which in turn pollute the fluid and change its color. This damage will also lead to leaks and other malfunctions with your braking system. In addition, water has a lower boiling point than brake fluid. During heavy braking scenarios, such as downhill braking, the moisture in your brake fluid can vaporize, resulting in a sudden (and dangerous) loss of braking performance. For these reasons, manufacturers recommend replacing your brake fluid at least every two years regardless of mileage.