An industry trend in auto maintenance offers consumers an increase in the number of repair chains dedicated to specific services such as oil changes, mufflers, tires, brakes, etc. These chains claim to offer super-quick service and super-cheap prices, but are you really getting a bargain? Not necessarily.
Let’s look at oil changes and point out some differences between a Full-Service Shop like Quality Motors, and a “10 minute” shop:
- With a Full-Service Repair Shop, you get a dedicated, industry-certified, professional mechanic working on your car. Someone who’s experienced and considers his job a career. By contrast, you could end up with a disinterested, inexperienced, between-jobs person with very little long-term commitment.
- With a Full-Service Shop, you get a facility that can handle every safety and repair issue that might come up. Or, you could use a shop that just cherry picks all the “easy” stuff and overlooks, or ignores everything else.
- With a Full-Service Shop, you build a relationship with a single source for ALL your vehicle’s maintenance, repair, and service. No passing the buck there! During the course of a “simple” oil change service, our mechanics are also examining your entire car from top to bottom.We inspect hoses, belts, CV boots, tire condition, radiator, fans, fluids, undercarriage, etc. Whenyou stop in for a “10 minute” service, you only get 10 minutes of service!
Vehicles today are very complex and expensive! Having all of your service and repair work done at a single location allows us to know and track your cars history. It takes the guesswork out of what was done, and what might have been missed or overlooked. The bottom line is this: thorough maintenance is money (and time) well spent.